I love being your Mum

I love being your Mum

Thursday 29 July 2010

39 Things I Learnt In 39 Years

This is something I wrote before my 39th in my Facebook Notes.

1. It is impossible to forgive and forget. I may eventually forgive but not forget.

2. Love is not always the answer

3. Life is what you make it.

4. Real friends come through for you when you need them the most.

5. The education system in this country sucks and is getting worse every day.

6. We are all connected

7. Religion does more to separate people than bring them together

8. Biology doesn’t make a family.

9. Chocolate does make things better

10. People may try to hang their baggage on you…don’t let them.

11. Change is growth

12. Dogs are great friends

13. There are times in our life when we just have to move on.

14. Always, always listen to your gut instinct.

15. Take responsibility for what you say

16. Take responsibility for your actions

17. Sometimes revenge feels good

18. It’s a good idea to take a deep breathe before saying something you might regret

19. Some people come in to your life for a short time but you remember them forever.

20. People who gossip about others to you will gossip about you to others

21. Doctors do not always know what their talking about

22. Learning is everywhere

23. I have reconnected some really wonderful people through the internet.

24. I will never be a follower.

25. Scandinavia is the best place on earth

26. My husband will always be a 25 year old at heart

27. Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission

28. Just because you’ve always done something a certain way, doesn’t mean it’s the right way

29. If I don’t write it down, I’ll forget it.

30. I feel at home in a book store

31. Poverty does not equate unhappiness

32. A cold shower is better than no shower

33. Never rely on people's good intentions

34. Narrow minded people will never see the bigger picture

35. Wishing is not the same as doing

36. Nothing can prepare you for motherhood but I won't change it for anything

37. I can learn more about many things from my 5 year old than an adult

38. I am entitled to my own opinions and anyone who doesn't like them doesn't have to. They are after all MY opinions

39. Life is short – make the most of it